EDUCATION 23.X.2009 - Ph.D. Geography Dissertation Title: Transformations of demographic structures and processes in Germany in the years 1990-2005
1999-2004 - MSc Geography / Faculty of Earth Sciences / Nicolaus Copernicus University
2002/2003 - Geography / Technische Universität Dresden
Scholarship Research Stays:
>>2017 - DAAD Scholarship Research Stay for University Academics and Scientists (University of Tübingen, Germany)
>>2016 - DAAD Scholarship - Study Visits by Groups of Foreign Students
>>2015 - University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
>>2015 - Federal Institute for Population Research (Wiesbaden, Germany)
>>2007 - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaft in Wien
>>2005 - Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin
>>Cultural-led development of small cities in Poland National Science Centre (Poland) 2016-06 to 2019-09|Grant 2015/19/D/HS4/02572
2015,2016,2017 - Scholarships of Rector of NCU
2003/2004- Scholarship of Ministry of Education and Sport for the achievements in education
2001/2002; 2003/2004- Scholarship of Rector of NCU
2004- the best graduate of Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University